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‘Intuitive’ Elephants pay homage

8 Oct

They say Elephants have great memories but did you know that they are also very psychic? I wanted to share this story I came across because it illustrates  how intuitive elephants  really are. It’s a touching story of how a bunch of elephants sense the death of a human friend who was an ‘elephant whisperer’ and traveled a great distance to pay homage to him at his home.

Here is the story:

Lawrence Anthony, a legend in South Africa and author of 3 books including the bestseller The Elephant Whisperer, bravely rescued wildlife and rehabilitated elephants all over the globe from human atrocities, including the courageous rescue of Baghdad Zoo animals during US invasion in 2003.

On March 7, 2012 Lawrence Anthony died. Two days after his passing, the wild elephants showed up at his home led by two large matriarchs. Separate wild herds arrived in droves to say goodbye to their beloved man-friend. A total of 31 elephants had patiently walked over 12 miles to get to his South African House.

Witnessing this spectacle, humans were obviously in awe not only because of the supreme intelligence and precise timing that these elephants sensed about Lawrence ‘s passing, but also because of the profound memory and emotion the beloved animals evoked in such an organized way: Walking slowly – for days – Making their way in a solemn one-by-one queue from their habitat to his house.*Lawrence’s wife, Francoise, was especially touched, knowing that the elephants had not been to his house prior to that day for well over 3 years.

Yet they knew where they were going. The elephants obviously wanted to pay their respects, honoring their friend who’d saved their lives – so much respect that they stayed for 2 days 2 nights without eating anything.Then one morning, they left, making their long journey back home.

The Daily Galaxy via

We often hear stories about psychic dog and cat and even Paul the octopus  but it’s fantastic to hear other stories of animals, who roam free, that use their psychic senses in the most extraordinary way. It’s a humbling reminder that we live in a very inter-connective world where animals and plants are also sensitive to energy and reveal a depth of awareness most of us have never even considered that they possess.

In Case You Were Wondering…

29 Jun

Have you ever wondered what kind of alien civilizations are out there?

Last week I went to watch ‘Prometheus’, and while not trying to spoil the story line for those who haven’t seen it yet, it asks the question,    ‘Are we seeded by aliens?’

It’s a good question. A relevant question. We’re not alone in the universe. It’s nice to know that even the Catholic church now considers aliens to be our brothers, that we are all part of God’s divine plan.  But, if we were seeded, then who seeded us? Did an advance species park their spacecraft here and mix a bit of their DNA with ours?  You wouldn’t think so since many Hollywood movies making  aliens the  bad guys. I am so over the stereotype slimy viscous aliens hell bent on destroying us.  Surely, there’s got to be some good guys out there?  Perhaps they were the ones who got us out of swinging along trees?  From what my spirit guides have shown me there are some truly awesome alien races out there (you’ve got to love the 3rd eye communication – it’s a quick and fun way to move beyond the physical dimension without leaving your arm chair). But, that’s not enough proof? I know my experiences are subjective. Okay then, how about what renowned physicist Michio Kaku has to say about aliens?

This You Tube titled, ‘3 Types of Civilizations’  has been around for a few years but it is fascinating so I thought I would share it with you. Michio talks about 3 classes of civilizations and what he feels they can do. Oh, in case you are wondering, yes we don’t even make the grade – we’re a type zero! But, it shows you what we can one day become. Bring it on!

If It Makes You Happy

21 Sep

Why is happiness so elusive? Time and time again we catch happiness in fleeting moments but it slips out of our grasp all too quickly. Sure some people seem to hold on to it longer because they are eternal optimists. For the rest of us it feels like happiness rides in with the high tide and floods us with a massive feel good vibe only to have the low tide drain it away. The ebb and flow of life is like that. Our thoughts and emotions are in flux so naturally it is hard holding on to happiness twenty-four seven.

It’s even harder still holding on to happiness when pessimism sets in. Listen, we all experience moments when a wonderful ray of universal light pushes us towards happiness because it clears the path of debris for us. Naturally it’s easier to negotiate life and stay happy when we have this kind of support. But, there are times when these energies create karmic obstacles that can erode our optimism making it much harder to maintain happiness.

Also, you have to look at what makes you happy. Do you have conditions that must be fulfilled before you feel happy? For example, ‘I need to have the perfect job and then I will be happy?’ or  ‘If only I had the perfect partner life would be fantastic.’

In the meantime, where is your head at? It’s saying, ‘well, I can’t be happy right now because…’

All to often we wait for all our happy boxes to be ticked or for external conditions to bring us happiness before we feel it. What if the boxes don’t get ticked, or your friends and family can’t cheer you up? Do you sit on the sideline of happiness waiting for conditions to change?  The truth is that you have to create happiness within yourself first. So, that means looking inside and seeing what is nagging at you. What is stopping you from holding on the feel good sensation that happiness brings?

It is so much easier attracting and maintaining happiness when our internal dynamics are harmonious. So, what can you do to draw happiness into your life when things are going bad?

You can start by changing how you feel inside. Start by doing simple things like a walking meditation in the sun. It works for me. If I am feeling weighed down by an issue I have two choices. I can try to fight it, which usually ends up with me shadow boxing, or I can shift my perspective. I know it’s not easy to do when inside you’re feeling miserable.

I find that if I take the dog for a walk and grab a little bit of sun, watch the swans swimming peacefully in the lake and feel the beautiful uplifting essence in the air, I feel a whole lot better. I take my mind of things and try to diffuse my stress. Then I visualise the lovely energy in the atmosphere flooding into my body. I feel the sunlight filter through my skin and into my cells infusing  my DNA with a golden light and a sense of power. And then I put in works like ‘joy’ and ‘gratitude’ into my energies and let myself feel it.

I can tell you by the time I get home I am refreshed and ready to tackle things.

Why a walking meditation, or any focus on positive thinking, works is because it triggers the hormone system to release feel good chemicals. Neuropeptides rush through my body carrying these wonderful uplifting chemicals into my cells and my cells respond by radiating at a higher vibration.  It literally uplifts my entire energy system.

Now, once I have done that, all I have to do is to remind myself I can do it again. Bit by bit this process increases my sense of well-being and shifts me away from the heavier emotions that reduce the vibrations of my energy. It is a whole lot easier staying happy when every cell in my body feels good.

Happiness might come and go but we can do something to bring it back into our lives time and time again.

A Message of Hope

5 Apr

Don’t we all need a feel good video from time to time? Something to remind us that despite the global mayhem, there’s reasons to stay positive. Watching this youtube video is a salve for the soul. It’s visually stunning and spiritually enlightening, especially in its exploration of the electromagnetic fields radiating from the human heart. What you think and feel is important, your heart’s electromagnetic energy amplifies it, and it affects the world around you. If you want peace on the planet why not join the growing army of people meditating to create change. At 7pm on the first Sunday of every month you can join them by spending five or ten minutes meditating on world peace. You can make a real and lasting difference.

When there’s panic on the streets

1 Oct

It’s the only way they know how to protest. When chaos is staring down a double barrel at you, most people react with more chaos. But there is another way…

I mentioned earlier on in the year that we have some tough planetary alignments going on, and they’re only going to get tougher. This is forcing people to change. Things can’t stay the same anymore and people hate change. But they hate what the banking and finance system has done to their way of life so they’ve taken to the streets. What other form of expression is left to channel their increasing frustration at the loss of jobs, income and security?

I’m sitting in my warm and comfortable lounge room writing this blog. I remember saying to a friend the other day that things were going to get tougher, that we’re going to have to change our way of life because the earth can’t support us in the manner it has been. She said, ‘You’re so pessimistic. Don’t talk about that stuff. You’re bringing me down.’

Is speaking the truth being negative?

If a storm is coming I’d rather batten down the hatches that get caught out in an open field. This is why I’m listening to my internal radar, paying attention to the movements of the planets and keeping my ear close to the ground. But, I’m not going to rehash old warnings.

I wanted to talk about how people feel overwhelmed by bad news so that try to push it away. It’s a perfectly natural response. So I started thinking about our defensive responses, what triggers them, how they play out and the thing that stands out the most is this – when we’re feeling overpowered by a situation, it impacts the solar plexus, our control and manifestation centre. Therefore, we react to protect ourselves. What we should be doing is changing this behaviour. Instead of getting into defence mode, why not take action?

But how do we changes things?

God knows I’ve been on the rollercoaster of ‘beyond my control’ situations more than enough for one life time so I feel I can say something about this. The one thing that lifts my spirits every single time is knowing that all cycles eventually come to an end. The second thing that lifts me: realising that there are always lessons to be learnt. And the third: even though I can’t be in total control of everything twentyfour-seven, I really do appreciate the help and assistance a few people have given me when everything just seems too overwhelming. Where would I be without them?

Now, why bring this up? Well, right now in Europe, US and other places people are on a rollercoaster ride they can’t control. Why not spend five minutes sending them some positive vibes, a healing meditation or asking for some divine intervention to assist them. After all, we’re part of a bigger family, so really, we’re all in this together.

Let’s pull together.

Einstein: master visionary 33/6

22 Jun

Since we’ve been making mind-boggling advances in science, I thought I’d pay homage to one of the greatest scientific minds of the 20th century by taking a look at his numerology. Albert Einstein is a master 33/6 number which makes him a visionary with a real need for perfectionism.

Would you believe Einstein had a heart of gold? Probably, after all he was a genius, right? It’s refreshing to know, however, that his strengths didn’t just lie in the field of science – he was wise too! The positive expression of the 33/6 life-path number would have given Einstein an extremely loving and giving nature and he was someone who was ready to take on the world together with the flag of social injustice. His energies would have been sympathetic and inspirational, youthful, gracious and friendly, and at times even sacrificial.

He would have sacrificed own emotional and material security in the pursuit of an idealistic cause. He was the type of person that would have always reached out to help others but he would have had to watch out for people trying to take advantage of his generous heart.

Albert Einstein

Einstein - visionary and perfectionist © Image c/o Wikipedia

One of the more interesting aspects of the life of a 33/6 master number is that while these people desire fame or want to leave their mark on the world, they have to learn how to temper their desire with solid effort and practical results.

He had to learn a few things too

Being born on a karmic day, ie the 14th, Einstein incarnated to work through the karmic challenges of progress, freedom, and flexibility. He would have felt restless, easily distracted, and found it difficult to follow-through on things when he was younger as a result. By the time he passed away, he would have mastered the art of being practical, while at the same time having the freedom to do what he loved.

The challenging aspects of his life would have made him experience periods of anxiety and depression, so he could slip into evasive or timid periods where he’d worry over trivial issues.

If we take a closer look at his pinnacles, Einstein has a lot of 2’s in his challenges which means that he would also have been very sensitive and was non-confrontational, preferring things to be in harmony and balanced. He would also have found it hard to express his emotions when younger and to gain a lot of support from people during his youth. One of Einstein’s greatest challenges would have been to move past his innate need for the perfect moment, the perfect answer to everything.

And because he would have searched for the perfect moment or perfection in others, he would also easily slip into criticism. He would have been very self-critical and he’d have found it hard to negotiate other people’s imperfection. Throughout life he would have tackled this issue and arrived at a place where he would have learnt to accept the lack of perfection in others and in the world. But, his lasting legacy was his vision and his desire to be of service to humanity through the sheer breadth and scope of his discoveries.

Get your inspiration flowing again

29 May

I woke up feeling flat this morning. You know the feeling of a flat day when nothing grabs you, nothing inspires you and the day seems to meander on and on? As your head hits the pillow at night, you may well wonder what it’s all about…

Have you ever seen the delight on children’s faces as they run around chasing soap bubbles?  They extract so much happiness out of such simple acts because they know they’re free (they feel it) and every moment is exciting and full of potential.


Are you chasing bubbles?

As I lay in bed thinking about feeling flat and how it shuts you off to inspiration, I remembered the dream I had last night. I was walking down a beautiful tree-lined street, the energy was sublime. All the elements around me were synchronised and I felt one with them. I fused with the wind, the trees and sunlight. I really felt I could ‘touch’ the day and I felt totally free and incredibly peaceful. I felt a ‘lightness of being’ and every moment was rich with potential; inspiration was waiting to be born.

So why was I feeling flat? I wanted to hold on to that intoxicating feeling of lightness in my dream and instead it’s a grey day outside and there’s a pile of work waiting for me. Instead of slipping into the regular routine of hitting the computer at 7am, I decided to take the dog for a walk despite the grey sky and contemplated the problem in question.

Here’s what I got…

Inspiration and innovation are the products of the creative mind. I see the creative mind as a fusion between the rational mind and the intuitive mind. When you get your conscious mind touching base with the intuitive part of you, rigid thought form structures start to crumble, opening a window to creativity. Inspiration and innovation are always born from the highest self and they usually only flow down to us if the door to the conscious mind is open.

If you want to tap into inspiration and channel fantastic innovative ideas, you  need to spend some time synchronising your conscious and subconscious mind and open the portal to your super conscious.

It’s simple to do

Clear your mind and become still within and let yourself breathe – and I do mean really breathe. Breathe deeply until you’ve stopped thinking and you’re feeling relaxed. Now, visualise a door opening and state your intention to break down any conscious barriers that block the path to your subconscious. Then visualise another door opening and state your intention to fuse the conscious and subconscious so they are in sync. Then visualise a door to the super conscious opening until a light floods in, and sit in this energy and welcome inspiring and innovative thoughts.

Just let them drift in.