Tag Archives: holiness

Faith vs Skepticism: Julia Gillard Won’t Meet The Dalai Lama

14 Jun

Faith vs Skepticism? Could this explain why Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, has declined to meet His Holiness the Dalai Lama?

(see http://au.news.yahoo.com/latest/a/-/latest/9631782/pm-confirms-no-meeting-with-dalai-lama/).

I was curious to see why Julia, unlike some other Australian political figures, has decided to pass up this opportunity. I thought I’d take a look at their numerology and see if it could shed some light.

Numerology helps explain your life path, the challenges and rewards in your life, karmic cyles and even your soul’s desire. You can also use the numbers of your date of birth to discover certain emotional, psychological or spiritual tendencies, aspects that make up your character and help define your beliefs. Numerology arrows are used on a grid and the presence, or frequency of particular numbers, or the absence of numbers, within these arrow lines can reveal a lot about you. Do they reveal why Julia isn’t going out of her way to meet the Dalai Lama?

Dalai Lama’s nuerology

Let’s start with the Dalai Lama. He was born on 6  July 1935.  His grid looks like this:

3 6 9
1 7

He has three arrows:
369 on the top row, which is known as the plane of thoughts. This means he has a keen mind, and is very good at ordering, planing and organising things. It’s also the pattern of the star, someone who needs to take centre stage in this life.

159 (bottom left to top right) which is known as the plane of determination. This energy gives him patience, persistence and determination to succeed.

357 (top left to bottom right) which is know as the plane of compassion. This energy gives him a deep well of compassion and faith and trust in spirituality. Being spiritual comes easy for him.

Julia Gillard’s numerology

Julia, born 29 September 1961, has the following numerology grid:

6 999

Having numbers along the arrow path gives a positive aspect, or strengthening, to certain characteristics. The absence of  numbers on a plane of expression means that you are needing to work towards the expression of the missing numbers to help round of your character.

It’s no surprise that Julia is missing 357, the spiritual path. This arrow of missing numbers 357 is known as the path of the skeptic. I know this energy well, I have the same arrow, we were both born born skeptical, having faith and trust in the unknown we’re hear to learn about.

Some of my students find it amusing that as a metaphysician, I am missing these numbers. Yes, I admit it, I am very scientifically orientated. If I am to believe in something, I want to explore it, test it and arrive to my own truth about it. Julia is the same. Unlike many spiritual people I know, who do have the arrow of compassion and don’t question faith, I needed to explore what it’s not, in order to find out what it is.

Are you surprised to find that Julia has the  path of the skeptic in her numbers?  Lacking the numbers 357 makes her an non-believer. It’s well known that she’s an atheist and the numbers are right about that!

I have learnt to energetically work on the 357 vibration by examining what faith and trust in spirit is all about without getting stuck in my logical mind. Interestingly the Dalai Lama has a strong mind but he is able to blend head and heart together.

People born on the path of the skeptic are here to explore the plane of compassion so it would have actually been a fantastic opportunity for Julia to meet the Dalai Lama to see what they could reflect and learn from each other.

I think that numbers reveal all.