It’s About Time

28 Feb

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Have you ever thought about time? I mean really think about it being a lot more fluid or interconnected rather than lineal. If it was only lineal why is it that psychics can seem to tap into time to predict the future?  If the future doesn’t exist yet how can psychics make accurate predictions about the future?

What does science have to same about this? Recently, I came upon a new scientific theory that is changing how we see time. Called the Box Universe theory the ‘now’ is an arbitrary place in time. This is because the past, the present and the future co-exist simultaneously.  Dr Skow, a professor of philosophy at MIT comments that, ‘if we ‘look down’ on the universe as if were looking at a piece of paper, we would see time spanning in all directions, exactly the same way that we see space at same way that we see space at some point’.

This means that time is not linear like we have been told and in reality, everything that is around us always present, but it depends upon how we perceive time.

Einstein general theory of relativity proposed that space-time takes shape in a multiple or continuous way. That is was a four-dimensional vector space also known as block theory.’

Perhaps we have all been fooled by the persistent illusion that the past, present and future linear, therefore segregated.  Dr. Skow comments, ‘The block universe theory says you’re spread out in time, something like the way you’re spread out in space. We’re not located at a single time.’ Sure, things change over time because we see time as passing but Dr. Skow thinks that we are in a ‘scattered conditions’ and that different aspects of time may be sprinkled around the infinite universe.

Time Travel

Box theory opens makes you realise that we need to change the way we think of time travel. In fact, if proven correct, then is it possible to travel in time and change it? If everything co-exists – that is the past, present and future – it cancels out the ‘grandfather paradoxes’ extoled in the movie ‘Back to the Future’. Travelling in time would be, ‘experience it as it is and as it always would be’. Dr Miller from University of Sydney says that, ‘all moments that exist are relative to each other within three spatial dimensions and a single time dimension.’

Spiritually, I have always believed that the past, present and future co-exist because I do past life readings and psychic readings predicting the future. Getting accurate information from both the past and present can only be access if the past and present do exist simultaneously.

I agree with Dr Skow that it comes down to how we perceive ‘time’. Time is perceptual because of the how our mind and feelings work, but also due to the dimensional filters of the 11 dimensional chakras located on the out sheath of the spiritual body that acts as time vanguards. When you engage in psychic activities these dimensional chakras open and time becomes fluid. If you work on the 7 chakras and then extend out to work on the dimensional chakras you can tap into the earths timeline which does have the past, present and future all happening at the same time. Ditto re the collective consciousness, the akashic records and within the cosmos.

Calling in a Ghost Buster?

20 Jan

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Do you need help with ghost busting? Before you grab someone to do the paranormal work, you need to know a few things.

Today, my son Tristan, who lives in shared housing in the inner city, was present when one of the other residents called in a ghost buster after month’s of witnessing a picture frame being moved around in his bedroom. A local priest recommended a woman who could help him get rid of malevolent spirits.

Having been trained in parapsychology by yours truly, Tristan has his wits about him. He decided to ask the woman a few basic questions before she began her work and as soon as he mentioned, ‘what kind of energy work are you going to do?’ her walls went up.

‘You don’t need to know,’ she replied. ‘I do it all in my head.’

Tristan wanted to challenge her on that but since he didn’t invite her in he didn’t think it was his place to interfere. Instead, he waited until she was gone to ask the resident what the ghost buster did.

‘She said I had a spirit of a possum in my aura,’ he told Tristan.

‘How did she get rid off it?’ Tristan asked.

‘She just told me to let it go out off me.’

‘She didn’t cut any hook energies, or de-mesh it from your aura?’

His friend shrugged his shoulders.

‘Where did the animal spirit go? Did she command it to go into the spirit realm, or any other dimension? What, just out of your body so it can linger around the building?’ Any ghost buster worth their salt would know not to just leave a spirit be it human or animal on the property. It should be returned to its place of origin preferably.

‘Did she tell you how to protect your energy from other spirits, or did she do any work on your aura? Tristan asked.

Again, no answer.

A professional ghost buster should not only remove a spirit from your premises, and work out where to send them, they should be putting up protection to stop a spirit from returning and teaching you how to protect yourself.

The woman was there for 3 hours. The first hour was spent discussing what was happening but you have got to question a ghost buster that takes 2 hours to get a spirit of a possum out of someone’s aura?

There are so many things to consider when you call out someone to help you with the paranormal.

Some basic things that should be discussed are: –

  1. What kind of spirit do you have around you?
  2. How and why did the spirit come to you?
  3. Is the spirit hovering outside your aura or has it enmeshed in your aura?
  4. What is the intention of the spirit? Does it want to harm you or possess you? Does it want to help you?
  5. Does the spirit need your help?
  6. Is the spirit really a family member in spirit, or a spirit guide trying to get your attention?
  7. Are there any dimensional portals in the house from the land energy, or accidentally opened up by your activities? Have they been properly closed?
  8. Is the being a lower astral being, or from the demonic realms?
  9. Has it left any residual energies in your house, or outside the house that it can link back into?
  10. If it is an animal spirit, is it meant to be a totem? What is the symbolism of the totem?

I could rattle of a hundred more questions. The point I am trying to make here is that ghost busters come in many different sizes so to speak – some know a little, some a well educated. Some are psychic but think they know everything, but only know a small amount about the true scope of the paranormal

It really helps if you can ask them a whole lot of questions so you know you have a professional that knows what they are doing.



Had Any Strange Visitors Lately?

14 Mar

Have you had any strange visitors of the ethereal type visiting you? 


Have you ever sensed an alien around you? You know that feeling of being watched, that funny buzzing or electrical discharge of energy in the air, the essence of a soul that you can’t quite put your finger on?  For those of you that have, you know this energy is very different to the energy giving off by family in spirit, or spirit guides and even angels.

Et energy, has a certain vibe. Of course, there are a lot of different kind of alien life forms, so lots of different energies, but I am talking about the ones that pop in from the 4th dimension or other dimensions – they have a particular feel about them. It takes a little practice, but if you tune in, you can actually feel them.

Now, why am I talking about inter-dimensional alien beings? Well, it’s because they are around us. They are the reason for some of the spooky action around you. They are also the reason for some of your amazing insights and visions. You see, you can have an alien spirit guide, just like you have a normal spirit guide, the only difference is this one has lived on a different planetary system in a previous life. There is nothing unusual in this.

However, having an inter-dimensional alien being who is still alive on their own planet that is capable of  stepping down through the 4th dimension into the 3rd dimension is another thing. This notion is exciting, yet scary for some because these inter-dimensional travellers can see us – but we can’t see them  because they are still in 4th Dimensional form.  Most of us haven’t got a clue about how much of them are actually coming and going from our world. That is, until, you tune in and start to sense one around you.

If you open up to our inter-dimensional travellers, you can find yourself in the midst of some incredible beings who have an intelligence and knowledge base and abilities that outshine our own. I personally, like these kind of beings as teachers because who else would be able to teach me about expanded consciousness,  or give me a better understanding of life and the universe than an inter-dimensional traveller?  What about healing techniques and insights into rejuvenation? What about solutions to our environmental issues and so on?

Sure, not all inter-dimensional beings are nice, but a lot are. So, if you ever want to tune in and work with an inter-dimensional being stay open to it. Just remember to put in a protective filtering system to block out the mischievous ones, so you can rest assured you are working with one of the good guys.

As for me, whether it is family in spirit, spirit guides, angelics, or inter-dimensional travellers – hey they are all part of this great multiverse and if they come my way there is a good reason why.  If you ever feel the presence of an inter-dimensional being perhaps its time  to find out why they have chosen to cross your path and what are they here to teach you?

What Is Your Body Saying About Your Health?

23 Jan


Actually, metaphysically, your body is saying a lot about your health!

If you listen to your body – I mean really listen to it, as though you are listening to a vibration, or resonance, you will intuitively ‘feel’ if there is something wrong with your health. This is because we are energetic beings, we have an aura (soul) and chakras, which define not only our consciousness, but how energy is transmuted and transported around the body through minor channels and then into nadis which directs them into the cells and into the DNA.

When you are at ‘dis-ease’ with yourself, eventually the physical body becomes ill or suffers from disease because the life force energy isn’t flowing through the aura, chakras and nadis into your cells and DNA. Instead, the energy is being blocked. What blocks it? Your mind, body and soul does. When you become misaligned to your soul, that is your free will mind isn’t listening to your soul, energy gets blocked inside of you.

Illness is not the cause of our problem, but the end result of a spiritual malaise. It is the soul’s way of telling us to stop, look and listen to the inner self and to make changes in our life because something isn’t working for us. Each energy block is associated with a spiritual lesson. So, when you unblock the energy, there will be an associated awareness. Once you hit on underlying emotional, psychological or spiritual causes of an illness, you have it within your power to heal by changing your vibration or resonance.

You can learn to ‘energetically’ heal yourself. How? Start by looking at why the head and heart are not on the same page?

Look at your body. How many times has it slipped into illness because of a belief system that has been in conflict with the desire of the soul? What is the underlying karmic pattern that keeps cropping up in your life? Think about it for a moment.

Why do you have a predisposition to certain ailments?

What lessons are you meant to learn from these ailments?

What soul lesson are you choosing to ignore?

When you get sick stop and think about what your body is saying. What part of your body is being affected?

A simple way of recognising where the spiritual problem lies is to pinpoint the part of your body affected and relate it to a restrictive belief associated with the chakra consciousness that governs that region of your body.

Problems in your legs, feet, bones, lower back, anus, sexual organs and large intestine indicate base chakra issues.

Problems with the circulatory system, the kidneys, bladder, womb and reproductive organs are associated with sacral chakra issues.

Problems with the digestive system, stomach, pancreas, liver, spleen, pancreas, gall bladder, lumbar vertebrae and muscles indicate solar plexus issues.

Problems in the thymus gland and in the heart and lung region and arms are associated with heart chakra issues.

Problems in the throat area, in the larynx, upper shoulders, mouth and jaw reflect throat chakra issues.

Problems with the spinal cord, eyes, ears, nose and sinuses are related to the third eye chakra.

Problems with the cerebral cortex and the central nervous system indicate crown chakra issues.

Knowing these connections helps you understand the consciousness behind your illness, why the bodies get sick, but there are other things you have to be aware of. Some physical conditions can reflect issues relating to several chakras at the same time. And in some cases, pain in one area can have causes elsewhere. We can also create some of our illness and disease by exercising our free will. By this I mean we might inadvertently be living in an environmentally toxic suburb or we might choose to eat the wrong foods and not exercise or ignore all of our body’s warning signs. Even when we fall sick due to our own actions, the part of the body affected will still reflect underlying beliefs or chakra issues.

That’s why two people might smoke the same amount and one of them gets throat cancer while the other doesn’t. If you examine the life of the person with throat cancer it is more than likely you’ll find long-term unresolved throat chakra issues. This by no means suggests they consciously want to get cancer even though smoking is obviously dangerous and contributes to the disease, but the spiritual cause lies in throat chakra issues.

The other thing to be aware of is that some illnesses and diseases are the direct result of pre-birth karma. A karmic illness or disease should never be misconstrued to imply that you are being punished for misdemeanours from a previous life. No karmic illness is punishment. It is just an opportunity for growth. A karmic disease may be programmed into the DNA to erupt at a particular point in our lives to draw our attention to certain issues we need to learn in order to facilitate further spiritual growth.

Karmic influences precipitate certain specific tendencies toward illness by creating predominant patterns known as miasms. They can increasingly weaken the physical body’s resistance to illness and facilitate the manifestation of disease. A miasm, which represents the karmic potential for disease, usually lies dormant within the subtle bodies of the human aura. It is activated by the soul to draw conscious awareness to whatever area of life requires immediate attention. When a miasm is activated, its ethereal template is projected via the subtle bodies through the biomagnetic field. It first appears at a molecular level before moving into the physical body.

It is also possible for a karmic illness or disease to develop at a particular stage in someone’s life not only for their growth, but also for the spiritual growth of their family members or friends.

To heal ourselves we need to recognise underlying spiritual imbalances and then set about restoring harmony and balance to our energy system. I know this concept might be new to some people, that it doesn’t fit into the allopathic (traditional) healing model, but by broadening our understanding of healing to include concepts such as removing blocked energy and resolving restrictive issues from our chakras and aura we can make a world of difference to our general well-being. Traditional medicine is fantastic for healing such things as broken bones and for getting immediate relief from pain or physical body crisis, but if we add to this the healing of the emotional, mental and spiritual problems there’s no need for the illness or disease to return again and again.

I know a woman who healed herself of terminal breast cancer after western medicine gave up on her. When I asked her, ‘How did you do it?’ she said, ‘With the power of my mind. I’m a single mother with three children. I couldn’t afford to die and leave them alone so I willed myself better.’ Obviously her disease was not based on pre-birth karma and she had a very strong mind. She believed she could get better and she manifested that reality.

Healing is an opportunity to learn about ourselves. It is the soul’s way of getting us to pay attention to what we are doing and where we are going. Next time you fall ill think about nurturing yourself on all levels.





27 Nov

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There Is something about the ‘Fall’ that is intrinsically wired into our collective. Are we destined to make the same mistake?

Atlantis was incredibly advanced civilization that was said to have been swallowed up the ocean after a great cataclysm sometimes between 12,800 to 11,600 years ago.

Why does Atlantis have a special hold on us?

I have always been fascinated by Atlantis, ever since I was a kid. One Sunday afternoon I watched a movie about Atlantis and after that I was hooked. The movie explored hybridization experiments creating chimeras – half human, half animal species and how an advanced civilization contributed to its own demise because its society had become morally corrupt.

I was hooked. I wasn’t just watching the movie. I felt like I was really there.  Obviously, it twigged a past life memory buried in my cellular memory/DNA/

It wasn’t until much later that I found out a little bit more about the Atlanteans, which I would like to share with you.

In the beginning Atlantean’s were not purely physical, they began incarnating as semi-energetic beings. In other words they were stepping out of the realms of the gods into human form, so they were half human, half god like. The Atlantean’s were a fourth root race, who according to Blatvasky emerged 4,500,000 on the subcontinent before moving to Atlantis, and that they themselves were a sub race of the Lemurians who occupied the lost lands in the Indian Ocean between west Australia and Madagascar. The other lost continent of Mu was situated in the Pacific Ocean.

At the height of Atlantis, about 900,000 years ago, the civilization enjoyed a luxurious life and even had airships. Native Atlaneans lived alongside the Toltecs. Then the place slowly started to corrode when the Toltecs began practicing black magic. The developed into materialistic and selfish people and by 250,000 years ago they were challenged by the white magicians. It was the Toltec black magicians that experiments with DNA manipulations, crossing species to create chimeras (half human, half animal) to serve as their sex slaves. The degradation of the morally corrupt magicians was finally countered when Master Morya, decided to incarnate as the Emperor of Atlantis Emperor 220,000 BC to counter the black magicians. War waged between the white and black magicians until the final cataclysm.

According to Theosophy descendants of Atlantis fled and founded the Mediterranean, Malayan, American Indian and Mongolian races. Others speculated that other Atlanteans influenced the Mayan and Egyptians cultures giving them the foundation in astrology, etc.

New scientific evidence has come to light suggesting that it was a global cataclysm caused by 3 or 4 fragments of a comet that hit northern America 12,800 years that brought the Ice Age to an end. Back then places like Minnesota in USA was a few miles deep in snow and the heating up caused by the comet strikes helped melt the snow. It impacted Europe and places like Syria, etc. It caused massive rise in sea levels across the globe and brought the temperature significantly down. It was a reset event that destroyed golden age civilizations. Then another cataclysm hit 11,600 with another fragmented comet, which caused flooding and reversed the temperature bringing it back up again.

This fits in with the antediluvian cities, such as city of Dwarka, known as the ‘Gateway to Heaven’. Modern Dwarka spreads to the shoreline, but ancient Dwarka lies under the ocean. The Hindus say that this was the home to the god Krishna, who is the 8th Avatar of the god Vishnu and after his death the city was submerged by a great flood. Flood myths exist in many ancient cultures. You all know about Noah and the Ark, but in India that had Manu, who was their equivalent of Noah, rescued by the Vishnu. The origins of Noah started in ancient Sumer. If you look at the epic of Gilgamesh, you see the whole flood narrative.

The Mayans, Egyptians, Greeks, and many other cultures have a similar flood myth.  Even the Aborigines, who have been around for 60,000 years, talk about the Flood Serpent which consumed the land.

During this period the Gobekli Tepe temple, which is 6,000 years older than Stonehenge appears out of nowhere after the cataclysm. Interesting timing of the fall of Atlantis and the sudden appearance of a society advanced enough to create the temple that is 50 times the size of Stonehenge that archaeologist can’t explain. It would make sense however if survivors of Atlantis were the ones who seeded this new civilization and shared some of their technology with the natives.

The fall of Atlantis came about because of the abuse of technology.  Humans destroyed Atlantis through their deeds and as a result of the culmination of this energy the Earth struck back with earthquakes (Saturn & Pluto) and rising seas (Neptune/Poseidon) that submerged Atlantis.  Symbolically, the great heights that Atlantis reached is a mirror to our own culture – advanced and luxurious, yet corrupt. Are we seeding our own destruction?

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Atlantis the Asteroid

The theme of catastrophe is associated with the asteroid Atlantis (asteroid 1198). Astrologically, this asteroid helps us to examine two things:

Technology, and how it influences us. This is also a theme that the Aquarian Age is bringing, so the asteroid Atlantis is a very significant asteroid to work with. The other is looking at our spiritual relationship with the cosmos/God. Will technology threaten our collective existence?

The Hadron Collider is a perfect example of how technology is trying to mimic the Creator. This scientific experiment to work with the God particle has the potential to create a mini black hole, or open dimensional portals, might make us God like through technology, but it has the potential to alter our world, perhaps even destroy it. Technology has given us many wonderful benefits, but we have seen the downside of technology i.e. people’s jobs being taken away by automation, and so forth.

The second thing is will differing religious/spiritual ideologies threaten it? Atlantis was torn by the forces of evil (black magicians) pitted against good (white magicians), and the theme of good versus evil is still alive today. We see the atrocities that the abuse of power and evil have wrought upon the world, especially that of radical ideologies that disregard the welfare of others.

Themes of abuse of technology and ideological differences emerge from our collective unconscious mind and gives rise to survival anxieties. Working on the collective consciousness, our own conscious, unconscious past life memories of the ‘fall’ is hardwired into us. Now, you don’t necessarily have to have lived in Atlantis, through twin souls or Oversoul imprinting, we can tap into the vein of this lost world. Or, you could have lived in another civilization that experienced a fall. Civilization rise and fall all the time. The point I am trying to stress is that deep in the subconscious mind, or the sacral chakra, are memories of the fall, and this memory about everything collapsing, can be subtle or quite pronounced.

Atlantis represents the ‘fall’, whether it is due to politics, religion, social upheaval, advancements in technology, or individual beliefs and even change itself, at a collective and individual level, buried deep within us is the memory of a fall. It is this very fear of the ‘fall’ that can cripple us or set in motion aspects of self-destruction, or the destruction of the world around us.

You can find out where the archetypal energy from the asteroid Atlantis is in your own natal chart. The house it is in, and aspects it makes to other planets, etc will help you to identify the part of you, and the area of life, where the fear of the fall, or sabotage patterns that will create a fall, are situated. Simply go to and type in your birth details then add in the asteroid Atlantis into the extended chart and you will find out where it is in your natal chart.

Alien Connection

20 Oct


Does Your Soul Have An Alien Connection?

We have human family and friends, so why not alien ones?

Can this be even possible? Yes, it is. How? Well, you are part of a greater Oversoul group, which is full of billions of souls all sharing a similar lineage. For example, the group Oversoul that my son and I are from comes under the lineage of Archangel Gabriel (no surprises there as I work as a spiritual messenger) and all the souls within this group share a similar ‘songline’ – a vibration that threads through all our DNA at a spiritual level. All soul Overgroups contains souls from other galaxies, including aliens naturally, and spirit guides, angelic beings, and other beings of light. So, this is your ‘cosmic family’.  Some people, especially younger children, are souls who have had strong past life experiences on other worlds, which gives them a natural connection to a particular race of beings.

This ‘cosmic family’ gives you alien connections. The question is, which alien race? There is one way to find out which alien race you have a strong connection with, other than finding out through meditation or asking your spirit guide. I will point out that a lot of  younger people (kids and teenagers), are souls who have had strong past life experiences on other worlds, which gives them a natural connection to a particular race of beings so they have active cellular memory of their old ‘homeland’.

But, for the rest of us who perhaps have always only reincarnated on planet Earth, how do we find out if we have an alien connection? It is simple. Take a look at your astrology chart.

Within your natal chart you can see where the constellations are and this will show you where the connection is. If you Sun, Moon, Asc, North or South Node conjunct a certain star system, then you have a strong connection with a particular alien race. For example, if  your Sun, Moon, Asc, North or South Node conjunct late degree in Taurus, where the Pleiades star cluster is located, then you have a strong connection with the Pleiadians.

The Sun, Asc and North Node suggest this is a connection your soul can made in this lifetime. Moon indicates your have strong emotional ties to them, and the South Node indicates that you actually had a past life as a Pleiadian.  If you have for example a strong conjunction to 28°59°  Taurus, then you are connected to the star Alcyone or 29°41° Taurus , a strong connection the star Maia. Apart from the strong mythological archetypal energy from these two stars, we know that the Pleiadians from this star system can work with you. Whether it is the Nordics or another Pleiadian race, these are beings your soul has an alignment with, and waiting for you to do something about it.

If you have a strong Acturian connections, you will have a conjunction to 24°14° Libra. If you have a strong  connection to the Vegas, you will have a conjunction at 15°19° Capricorn (in the Lyra constellation, so the Lyrians as well). and so on. There are plenty of other alien races and star systems connection to your chart but I don’t have time to talk about them all in this blog, but you can explore them via your natal chart.

I hope this has given you something to think about and an incentive to check our your natal chart to find out what kind of alien connection you have.  Once you know the star system in a particular constellation, look to the mythology for  seeds of soul information  as well, then perhaps meditate or ask your guides to activate your alien connection so you can start working with another facet of cosmic consciousness.




Beyond the Physical

31 Aug

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Do you want  to go beyond the physical by activating your star DNA?

Are we who we think we are? Did life on earth really begin in the primordial ocean soup, or did the gods have a hand in creating us?  If we are a product of creator gods, then our bloodline and DNA could be the result of genetic engineering? Perhaps it’s time to look at working with our DNA in a new way…through star DNA activation!

Both Darwinism and traditional archaeology do not tell us the truth about our origins, so how can we realise our true potential, and understand our divine nature if we are kept in the dark about our ancestry?

Knowing that we are a created species should not be daunting; rather it should be illuminating because it reminds us that we come from the stars. Our DNA has been tweaked, but kept at a level that won’t allow the use of our full potential – physically, emotionally and mentally, until we gain the spiritual awareness of who we truly are. Then, once we realise that we come from the stars, and that we have been created with some alien DNA, we can start to access the hidden code in our DNA to help us get back to our star origin. By doing this you can eventually energetically/telepathically connect with star beings in different constellations. Not only will you discover so much more about our origins, but this connection will help you to download new information, work from higher consciousness, and bring some amazing ideas to help humanity to evolve.

Activating Star DNA

This is a simple exercise to get the ball rolling and help shift your awareness and active your star DNA:

  1. Relax and take in several deep breaths in and out


  1. Bring down a white light from the Star Regulus and called on the forces of Archangel Raphael to cleanse and heal the energy within your spiritual body, mental body, emotional body, etheric body and then into your physical body. Feel the light soothing, healing, rejuvenating you as you let go off discordant energies within you


  1. When you are ready take your awareness into your DNA and feel its resonance. Take your time. Let it sing to you, let it sing from the song line of your soul over-group. Feel that vibration.


  1. Then bring down the 2nd Ray and wash it through your aura and into your chakras until the ray of Love/Wisdom is resonating through all of you. Feel the energy of love, and allow it to activate your Higher Self’s wisdom. Allow it to connect you with your Spirit in the astral, and to a soul family member that is connected with star people consciousness


  1. Once you have felt this ‘song’ I want you to bring down the 7th Ray and wash it through your chakras. Let the ray or Ceremonial Order and Magic open you up to creating magic within yourself


  1. Let the 7th Ray energy resonate through you until you feel that you have absorbed it


  1. Then tune in and let Spirit connect you with the consciousness of your Universal-Self and feel its presence connecting with your inner self and take it into your DNA


  1. When you are ready let your Universal Self direct energy from the Galactic Centre (Sagittarius 27-28deg) and take it into your DNA and allow it to unlock information regarding our star people connection


  1. Once you have felt this connection, fell your DNA slowly changing in frequency, allowing it to raise its vibration to help release the hidden information of your soul’s true universal connections


  1. Let the Universal Self help you to connect with the star people that your soul is aligned with for example, if you have strong connections with late degree Taurus they will probably direct you to the Pleiades especially to the stars Alcyone and Maia.


  1. Let the connection energetically form and take you to that part of the cosmos. Relax and enjoy the journey!


A Source of Psychic Energy

19 Jul

What is the source of your psychic energy? Have you ever thought about how your psychic abilities work? Most people know that it comes down to the state of your 3rd eye, and how well balanced it is with the crown and throat chakras so all three work in tandem.

But, how does your 3rd eye navigate through the cosmos? What does it tap into to source information about the past, present and future? I know some people would say from their spirit guides, from synchronising with the earth, and from the akashic records, and they would be right. But is there anything that we are missing here?

A lot of people do psychic work; some don’t know how they get their intuitive insights, it just happens while others actively engage in opening their 3rd eye. But, how many go beyond connecting with the earth, their guides or the akashic records?

The universe is the source of so much so you can easily get lost in lots of different energies because you might not have been taught how to navigate the cosmos. Others are happy to say, ‘I tap into the source, or the cosmic mind’ and that works for them. It has been my experience that the more developed you become as a psychic, the more you have to fine tune the source of the energy you tap into to do your work.

Astrologically, psychic ability is associated with the planet Neptune, which rules all things ethereal. However, there are two fixed stars which, if you link into, not only help expand your psychic ability, but help give you amazing insights and information. These two stars are Fomalhaut and Salalmelik which are found around 3deg 46’ Pisces. Fomalhault is governed by the forces of Archangel Gabriel, the divine messenger. Fomalhaut, an ultramarine blue star, is considered fortunate, and it is especially beneficial for occult work and lends those born under its influence a very original or inventive side to their nature.

Salamelik, in conjunction with Formalhaut, works well with the 6th Ray because this ray is about idealism, or vision so to speak. This is the function of the 3rd Eye after all – to gain clarity from vision. The vision I am referring to is one that is procured from the cosmos via spirit and your higher self. If you have this aspect it gives you the ability to tap into the dimensional timeline of the past, present and future, and to other worlds/planets, universes…it is the ability to see beyond the limits of the 3D world matrix.

When you think about the 3D world, it is about being bound by 3 dimensions. A 4th dimensional being can look down on us, even step into our realm, but we physically can’t move past the boundary. However, our astral self can, and our 3rd Eye doorway can allow to connect to the 4th dimension and beyond. We can astral travel into other dimensions. Obviously, how far you can get into the different dimensions, galaxies and universes depends upon your vibration. And, this is where the fixed stars of Sadalmelik and Fomalhaut come into play as your doorway into these dimensions.

Aligning your 3rd Eye/astral self to the vibrations from these two stars will give you the visions (the potential in idealism so to speak) to bring down new information and ideas from other realms. As for devotion, it isn’t about dogmatic devotion, but rather creating a faith in a belief or reality that may not necessarily be defined by our 3D world. It is about spirit – devoting oneself to seeing, feeling and trusting in what lies beyond our normal perceptions.

It makes sense to tap into this part of the cosmos when you are doing your psychic work. Why not give it a try and see what happens?

DNA – Unlocking It’s Secrets

15 Jun

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What secrets lie within your DNA? 

A few surprising ones!  If you thought that the purpose of DNA is to carry genetic information, the you will be surprised to find out that it’s doing much more than that!

Recently, two scientists, Maxim A. Makukov of the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute and Vladimir I. Shcherbak from the al-Farabi Kazakh National University claim that our DNA, ‘was designed by aliens’. The pair, who have been working on the Human Genome Project for the past 13 years, believe that our, ‘species was designed by a higher power, an alien civilisation that either wanted to preserve a message in our DNA or simply plant life on other planets.’ Their research concluded that we were, ‘designed by a higher power, with a “set of arithmetic patterns and ideographic symbolic language” encoded into our DNA.’

I would add that the DNA is a light encoded holograph that contains within it the arithmetic patterns and ideographic symbolic language the song code (frequency) of your soul over-group (galactic family) lineage that exists throughout the cosmos.  This light code has the angelic fire language, that the ancient Hebrews used, seeded in ACGT

A = Alef א‎ , C = Gimel ג‎ , G = Gimel ג‎ , T = Tet ט‎

Each chemical base A, C, G & T work on light frequencies which can pass messages to other souls, connect us to the past and to the future…it is multi-dimensional!

What I find fascinating is that Makukov and Shcherbak, ‘believe that 97 per cent of non-coding sequences in human DNA is genetic code from alien life forms.’

Quantum physicist Michio Kaku believes that we  have advanced civilizations in the cosmos, beings classed as a class 3 and class 4 type civilization. These advanced races are capable of moving planets and stars, and creating life where ever they go in essence playing ‘creator Gods’. However, getting a scientific based perspective is helpful. Makukov and Shcherbak evidence suggests that our DNA is a program consisting of two versions, a giant structured code and a simple or basic code…which they believe contains a message’.


They state,  ‘that the sudden boom in evolution experienced on Earth billions of years ago is a sign of something happening on a higher level that we are not aware of, and that mathematical code in DNA cannot explain evolution.’

Mr Makulov said: “Sooner or later … we have to accept the fact that all life on Earth carries the genetic code of our extraterrestrial cousins and that evolution is not what we think it is…What we see in our DNA is a program consisting of two versions”

Writing in the journal Icarus, the pair state that a message could have been planted by aliens so that they could revisit it at a later date, although a reason why has not been established.  They state: “Once fixed, the code might stay unchanged over cosmological timescales; in fact, it is the most durable construct known…Therefore it represents an exceptionally reliable storage for an intelligent signature.. Once the genome is appropriately rewritten the new code with a signature will stay frozen in the cell and its progeny, which might then be delivered through space and time.’

In a future blog I will give some exercises to help tap into your DNA and to activate it at a spiritual level. Stay tuned!

Psychic Protection

17 May

protection a

I got a request from Mick Turner from the ‘Afterlife Explore’s’ Facebook page regarding psychic protection. It was in relation to people going on ghost tours but not actually be provided, or taught, how to protect themselves, not just from any lingering spirits, but attachments or other people’s emotions, etc.

So, I thought I would share the protection technique I teach my students. Normally, when people protect, they use a prayer, mantra, white and golden light cocoon, and similar things, which can offer good protection. That is, if you hold your internal balance. The minute you slip into fear, or open up to a particular person or situation that you wanted to be protected from, the protection level drops off. The other method is naturally to stay in the energy of unconditional love, which can be hard to stay in 24/7.

This technique offers a very high level of protection on all levels:


by Sue Bishop – Chiara College of Metaphysic

This high level protection method can be used on your own aura, or for a room or whole house. It will last a long time, however, when there is a significant shift in earth energies, or with certain astrological alignments, you will have to do it again so the protection you put in place is in keeping with the new vibrations coming to the planet.

  1. Begin by protecting the space you are working from i.e. room cleanse with white light to remove any negativity from environment.


  1. Clear your aura – removing any fear or negative thoughts and use white light/or colours of the rainbow to raise your vibration. It is counterproductive to put in protection if your own energies are compromised by fear and negative thought forms because then all you are doing is putting protection of a lower vibrational space within yourself, and that reduces the level of high protection you can use. In other words, the higher your vibration, the higher the level of protection you can maintain.


  1. Channel pink light with unconditional love from the universe into the aura and chakras and let that vibration filter through you. Unconditional love is a high vibration so filling up with love helps keep your energies in the right space for protection.


  1. Now state your intention: ‘I wish to create a protective watchtower’ and state that it is to extend at least 3 metres in front, behind and to either side of you. If you are using this technique on a room or house, place the watchtower 3 metres beyond walls, floors and ceiling of room/house.


  1. Then face the west and channel a column of red light (make sure it goes in one metre beneath the earthstar and the ground and links in with earth energy, and one metre above your transpersonal point. Call on the earth elementals the gnomes to come to your assistance and place them at the base of the column, then the Watcher to the West the forces of Archangel Ariel to protect this quadrant and they will place an angelic helper into the watchtower. At the top of the pillar place the astral lights. Ask to be aligned to the harmonic of the star Antares.


  1. Now face the south and channel a column of orange light (make sure it goes in one metre beneath the earthstar and the ground and links in with earth energy, and one metre above your transpersonal point. Call on the water elementals the undines to come to your assistance and place them at the base of the column, then the Watcher to the South the forces of Archangel Gabriel to protect this quadrant and they will place an angelic helper into the watchtower.. At the top of the pillar place the astral lights. Ask to be aligned to the harmonic of the star Formalhault.


  1. Now face the north and channel a column of yellow light (make sure it goes in one metre beneath the earthstar and the ground and links in with earth energy, and one metre above your transpersonal point. Call on the fire elementals the salamanders to come to your assistance and place them at the base of the column, then the Watcher to the North the forces of Archangel Raphael to protect this quadrant and they will place an angelic helper into the watchtower.. At the top of the pillar place the astral lights. Ask to be aligned to the harmonic of the star Regulus.


  1. Now face the east and channel a column of green light (make sure it goes in one metre beneath the earthstar and the ground and links in with earth energy, and one metre above your transpersonal point. Call on the air elementals the sylphs to come to your assistance and place them at the base of the column, then the Watcher to the East the forces of Archangel Michael to protect this quadrant. At the top of the pillar place the astral lights. Ask to be aligned to the harmonic of the star Aldabaran.


  1. Once the pillars are constructed, project gold light from the universe through the solar plexus and link the columns beginning with the red and link it to the orange, top to bottom gold light criss-cross, and repeat until all columns are interlinked by gold light. Then connect the base of each column (under the earth) with the gold criss-cross, and then the top of the columns with the golden criss-cross.


  1. Now ask the Watchtower guardians to guard you physically and dimensionsally from evil or negative beings, lost souls, jinn,etc. Ask this protection is the highest level possible given where the earth energy is at currently. Ask that they determine what is allowed to enter the watch tower and what is not permitted. Ask that they deflect all evil and negative attack back to the pace of origin. If the nature of the being or evil energy directed at you is repeated that the guardians intervene and dissolve that energy or banish the being back to the place of origin and close the dimensional portal access point. In case of lost souls, ask that they are returned home to their place of origin in the astral. In cases of jinn and like energies ask that the energy is dissolved and taken into the universe to be converted into healing energies.


  1. Thank them in advance for their assistance in love and light.

